Dreams & Wishes operates several programs throughout the year. Every child should be able to cherish and experience positive childhood memories and granting their dreams and wishes will assist in providing and developing those positive memories.

Un-Birthday Program
Dreams & Wishes organizes an annual Un-Birthday Party for those children residing in local shelters or referred by Children's Aid.
Participants are provided with the opportunity to partake in a Birthday Party Celebration complete with a Pizza Party, loot bag, personalized birthday gift, entertainment and cake at a special venue like Canada's Wonderland!

Comfort Dream Bags
Comfort Dream Bags each contain a new pair of pyjamas, slippers, a book, toiletries, age appropriate toy and a stuffed animal which are provided to the shelter for distribution to families arriving at the shelters.

Santa's Wish List
Children residing in local Durham shelters are asked to write a wish list to Santa. Dreams & Wishes answers their letters to Santa and fills their specific toy requests identified in their letters. Gifts are delivered to the shelters with wrapping paper and tape several days before Christmas and placed under the tree for the children to open on Christmas morning.

Birthday Wishes Program
This program aims to provide children residing in the community (with their natural and/or kin family) and who meet Dreams & Wishes criteria with the opportunity to experience a magical Birthday Celebration. Each child referred to the program will receive everything needed to host an at-home birthday party along with a hand selected Birthday gift for child.

Santa's Magical Holiday Brunch
Children and their parent / caregivers are invited to experience the magic of the holidays by participating in Santa’s Magical Holiday Brunch hosted in in November. Participants are treated to a nutritious brunch at a local venue with entertainment, a visit with Santa, crafts, and a hand selected, age appropriate, non violent toy. Wish Lists are also filled out at this event.

Homeless Youth Care Packages
Youth in Durham experiencing homelessness are given items to help alleviate stress. Duffle bags for their possessions, light blankets, journals and art supplies are frequently needed. Youth toiletries and personal care items are also donated to local youth shelters in addition to gift cards during our Holiday Giving Programs for any youth who do not qualify for the Wish List Program.